Autor: retrocapitalism

Cuando con cosas simples éramos felices. Cuando la sola visita a una de estas tiendas era un acontecimiento memorable. Ahora qué… ahora vai cualquier día a un mall y ya. Y ahora, cuando más que caérsele el carnet a uno, se le cayó la billetera entera.  Spots del recuerdo con las multitiendas de infancia.  Falabella:  […]

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I spent the afternoon yesterday reading through Grafton Tanner’s Babbling Corpse: Vaporwave and the Commodification of Ghosts. It’s a fun book! It’s some of the best writing I’ve seen on how the internet actually feels right now: disjointed, ephemeral, endlessly complex and yet somehow still fundamentally shallow. One of the main arguments of the book, as […]

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Desde que todo empezó en 1987 hasta 1998, pasando un poco más allá para explicar la larga historia con los dueños de los dos principales operadores en estos años. CONTENIDOS: 0:00 – Parte 1: Quienes empezaron todo 11:16 – Avisos Comunitarios (Especial Voces Invitadas) 13:27 – Parte 2: Su ¿primera competencia? y el cable en […]

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In a 2011 interview, Claire Boucher described her then-new project Grimes as “post-internet,” an attempt to put a name on the unique experience of discovering and making music in the digital age. “The music of my childhood was really diverse because I had access to everything,” she said, putting into words something an entire generation raised […]

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Shopping malls are having a rough time right now — some are calling it a «retail apocalypse.» But it wasn’t always this way. The ’90s were a great time for malls and mall-goers alike. These vintage photos show how much malls have changed since their ’90s glory days. Ah, the ’90s. Everything seemed much simpler then, including shopping. Now that we have the […]

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Surveillance capitalism is doing to human nature what industrial capitalism has done to our planet. For Google, Facebook, Twitter and their ilk, ad revenues are sacred. As Shoshana Zuboff observes in her new book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, users are not tech companies’ customers — the businesses who purchase ads are. And those ads derive from […]

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Former Professor of the Harvard Business School, and American author, David Korten, is famous for penning the words, “Capitalism has defeated communism. It is now well on its way to defeating democracy.” Show that statement to any business owner, investor, or trader that’s doing well for themselves, and they may burst out laughing. Do you […]

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