Autor: retrocapitalism

Alena Petitt, a well-known author and lifestyle blogger, has become the British face of the “Tradwife” movement, closely associated with the hashtag #TradWife. The movement harks back to an earlier era, encouraging women to take pleasure in traditional domestic duties while promoting feminine submissiveness, domesticity, and wifehood. In a BBC clip, Petitt explains that her […]

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It’s no secret that ever since the 2000s, several retail chain stores have experienced financial setbacks. These hardships only became worse after the financial crisis of 2008 and the rise of online shopping thanks to Amazon. Today, stores such as Sears, Kmart, Circuit City and Toys R Us have closed most of their locations or gone out of business. […]

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We love The Morning Blend. Every once in a while, when someone cancels at the last minute and The Morning Blend has five minutes to fill, we drop by The Morning Blend and talk about whatever. Sometimes we talk about upcoming shows. Sometimes we talk about fishing. Today, we talked about dead malls. Yes, in case you missed our recent pieces on the redeveloping Bayshore mall and […]

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Indigencia, hambre, vergüenza: la pobreza se ceba con el país más rico del mundo, EE. UU. Afecta a 43 millones de ciudadanos, el doble que hace 50 años. Puede aparecer rápidamente: una enfermedad o perder el empleo pueden bastar para dejar a una persona en la calle. En Estados Unidos, muchas personas quedan excluidas del […]

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Blood has become big business in the United States and there is no shortage of corporations ready to exploit America’s most vulnerable populations in order to get a piece of the pie. For much of the world, donating blood is purely an act of solidarity; a civic duty that the healthy perform to aid others […]

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Por Cristian Mancilla Intuitivamente, ubico mi primera experiencia retrocapitalista en el tiempo cuando descubrí la música de ocho bits (chiptune). No recuerdo cómo, encontré el álbum The 8 Bits of Christmas, con temas aportados por un grupo de colaboradores bajo el nombre de «The 8 Bit People». Esto ocurrió el año 2006, mientras me acercaba al […]

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What if American capitalism isn’t broken, rigged, or in dire need of saving? It’s a notion completely foreign to contemporary American politics. That’s why Democrats and Republicans often sound a lot alike these days. Elizabeth Warren wants a new «accountable capitalism» that would «balance the interests of all of their stakeholders, including employees, customers, business […]

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